19.07.2017 | Eventos periodísticos

Plethora was recently invited to attend Minds + Machines Europe 2017, held on June 12-13 in Berlin. Our enterprise went to the event with General Electric (GE), as Minds + Machines is a networking event for GE, its partners and future clients, providing an opportunity to learn about Predix and its ecosystem.

One GE declaration particularly stands out: “. . . now is the time for transformation. In 10 years, 25% of Europe's economy will be digital industrial. Today, 73% of industry is planning for this digital future.” Reference was made to how the innovation and productivity of the Industrial Internet would have an economic impact of $225B in the year 2020.

Plethora Minds+Machines 2017-03 Minds + Machines Europe 2017 is a friendly event, where it is possible to get in touch with members of various General Electric teams. With its warm and enticing development model, Minds + Machines Europe 2017 involved plenary sessions in the mornings, with afternoons designated for parallel discussion.

Those participating were both GE members and those who had run successful projects together with GE partners. Topics addressed during the event included the digital twin – the virtual representation of any given machine – and digital threat, given that the entire chain of value is articulated digitally. With its presence in Minds + Machines Europe 2017, Plethora had the chance to see first-hand developments made with Predix APM (Asset Performance Management).

Our enterprise offers solutions from the edge to match and fit into these environments. Furthermore, Plethora IIoT integrates the Predix Machine to present data related to valuable edge information, benefiting from the superior wireframe of Predix APM.