30.01.2020 | Comunicados de prensa
We are pleased to welcome Rafael Ibeas as the newest member of the Aingura IIoT’s management board.
Rafael will serve as our CEO, helping to reinforce our business strategy securing our growth opportunities within the IIoT market. Rafael has a strong technological background and brings over 25 years of experience as engineering and consultancy multidisciplinary projects lead, managing a global investment of more than 1.000 M€ during this period.
Additionally, he has experience in technology-based business, where deep process knowledge and customer needs understanding is key enabler for new products success on the markets.
“My main goal in the Company is to facilitate the transformation from our actual technological advantage, based on real time data analytics for efficiency improvement, into a win-win solution with our customers’ products and processes. We want to be the perfect partner to transform ideas, which clients can´t develop by themselves into real projects, with real positive impact in their competitiveness without forgetting to maintain the great human quality of the team”. – Rafael Ibeas, CEO